by Olivia
Published: Last Updated on

FLOURLESS CHOCOLATE BROWNIE CAKE – You don’t have to be a serious chocolate lover to thoroughly enjoy this chocolate brownie cake! An occasional one, like me will work too because while it’s true I have a raging sweet tooth it’s usually not for chocolate.

Caramel, vanilla, peanut butter and fruity desserts make me every bit as happy except on this day when the sometime chocolate lover in me took over.

Just like a brownie it’s full of eggs, butter and lots of chocolate. Some of the egg whites are whipped into firm peaks and folded into the batter causing the cake to bake up tall and puffy like a souffle then collapse and crackle as it cools. Usually when a cake collapses it’s considered a baking failure but not this time.

Like a lot of desserts, it’s better the day after you bake it. I prefer it chilled although I think it would be absolutely delicious while still a little warm too, with a giant scoop of ice cream and maybe even some caramel or strawberry sauce.

The edges are a little crusty like a brownie and the insides extremely chocolaty; like the richest, fudgiest brownie you can daydream up. You may not start out as a serious chocolate lover but this has all the potential to turn you into one.

Hook, line and sinker.

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Yield: 6 Servings



n intensely chocolate flourless cake that bakes up tall and puffy then collapses as it bakes into the fudgiest cake you will ever taste!

Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 15 minutes


  • Cake:
  • ½ cup butter, cut into cubes plus more for greasing the pan
  • ¾ cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar, divided, plus more for the pan
  • 10 ounces semisweet chocolate, coarsely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 6 large eggs
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ¾ teaspoon salt
  • Whipped Cream:
  • 2 cups cold heavy whipping cream
  • ¼ cup sugar


For cake:

  1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Butter a 9-inch springform pan sprinkle with sugar. Tap out the excess.
  2. Add the chocolate, oil, and butter to the top of a double boiler or large heatproof bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water. Stir it often until completely melted. Remove the bowl and let it cool off until it's barely warm.
  3. Crack and separate 4 of the eggs - put the whites in the bowl of a stand mixer or in a large mixing bowl and put the yolks in a separate large mixing bowl
  4. To the yolks add the cocoa powder, vanilla, salt, 1/4 cup of the sugar and the remaining 2 eggs. Whisk until smooth and combined.
  5. Whisk a few tablespoons of the chocolate into the yolk mixture then slowly add the yolk mixture to the chocolate whisking well.
  6. Beat the egg whites on medium speed until frothy then gradually beat in 1/2 cup sugar until firm peaks form.
  7. Fold half the egg whites into the chocolate mixture until completely combined then repeat with the remaining half.
  8. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and evenly smooth out the top. Sprinkle with the remaining 2 tablespoons sugar (I forgot this step!).
  9. Bake 40 - 45 minutes until tall and puffy, the edges should be pulling away from the pan.
  10. Cool completely on a wire rack. The cake will collapse on itself and crack as it cools.

For the Whipped Cream:

  1. Beat the heavy cream and sugar together on medium-high speed until thick and stiff. Remove the side ring from the cake and pile the whipped cream on it. Cut into wedges to serve.
  2. *The cake is great at room temperature but even better chilled. Also good a little warm (or cold) with ice cream or made into a sundae.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:

1 grams

Amount Per Serving:Unsaturated Fat: 0g

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