
Perfect Smores Cupcakes

by Olivia


These Perfect Smores Cupcakes are an Indulgent Treat

Hey y’all! If you’re a fan of s’mores, you’re going to love these Perfect Smores Cupcakes. With a graham cracker crust, rich chocolate cake, fluffy marshmallow filling, and a luscious milk chocolate ganache, these cupcakes are the ultimate indulgence. They’re perfect for any occasion, from birthdays to backyard barbecues. Let’s get baking!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

  • Layered Deliciousness: Every bite has layers of graham cracker crust, moist chocolate cake, fluffy marshmallow filling, and rich ganache.
  • Decadent and Indulgent: These cupcakes are a true treat for any chocolate lover.
  • Fun to Make: Perfect for baking with kids or for a fun weekend project.
  • Crowd-Pleaser: Ideal for parties and gatherings, they’re sure to impress your guests.
  • Cuisine Type: American
  • Servings: Makes about 16 cupcakes
  • Preparation Time: 30 minutes
  • Cooking Time: 25 minutes
  • Total Time: 55 minutes


For the crust:

  • 1 1/3 cups graham cracker crumbs
  • 5 tablespoons sugar
  • 5 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted

For chocolate cupcakes:


  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 6 tablespoons Hershey’s Cocoa powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup milk, room temperature
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 large egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup boiling water

For marshmallow filling:

  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

For milk chocolate ganache:

  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 10 oz. milk chocolate, finely chopped
  • 1/2 tablespoon vegetable oil

How to Make This Recipe

Make the crust:

  1. Place the rack in the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 325°F (165°C). Line cupcake tins with 16 cupcake liners and set aside.
  2. In a small bowl, combine the graham cracker crumbs, sugar, and melted butter. Mix well with a fork.
  3. Press about 1 1/2 tablespoons of the mixture into the bottom of each cupcake liner. Bake for 6 minutes, then set aside to cool.

Make the cupcakes:

  1. In a large bowl, combine the cocoa, sugar, flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
  2. Add the oil, milk, egg, and vanilla extract. Beat for 2 minutes with a hand-held electric mixer on medium speed. Add boiling water and beat to combine (the batter will be thin).
  3. Divide the batter evenly between the cupcake liners over the crust, filling each about 3/4 full.
  4. Bake until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean, about 20-25 minutes. Set aside to cool in the pan. Once cooled, use a sharp knife or cupcake corer to hollow out the centers of each cupcake. Cut the top off each center and save it to place back onto the filling later.

Make the marshmallow filling:

  1. In a heatproof bowl over a pot of simmering water, whisk together the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar until the sugar dissolves. Be careful that the water doesn’t touch the bottom of the bowl.
  2. Continue whisking over the simmering water until the egg mixture is warm to the touch. Remove from heat and continue beating with a mixer until stiff peaks form. Add the vanilla extract and mix well.
  3. Transfer the filling to a piping bag with a round tip or use a plastic bag with the corner cut off. Fill the cupcakes and place the tops from the centers back onto the cupcakes.

Make the ganache:

  1. On low heat, melt the chopped milk chocolate with 1/2 tablespoon vegetable oil in a small saucepan, stirring until completely smooth. Remove from heat and add the cold heavy whipping cream. Stir well until evenly combined.
  2. Using a spoon, spread the ganache onto the cupcakes. If the ganache is too runny, place it in the fridge briefly to set before topping the cupcakes.
  3. Store the cupcakes in the fridge until ready to serve.


  • Peanut Butter Twist: Add a layer of peanut butter in the hollowed-out centers before filling with marshmallow.
  • Dark Chocolate Ganache: Substitute milk chocolate with dark chocolate for a richer flavor.
  • Graham Cracker Sprinkle: Sprinkle additional graham cracker crumbs on top of the ganache for extra texture.


  • Cupcake tins
  • Cupcake liners
  • Mixing bowls
  • Hand-held electric mixer
  • Heatproof bowl
  • Piping bag or plastic bag
  • Saucepan
  • Measuring cups and spoons


Store the cupcakes in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Let them sit at room temperature for a few minutes before serving to soften the ganache.

What to Serve with This Recipe

These s’mores cupcakes pair wonderfully with a cold glass of milk or a hot cup of coffee. They’re also delicious with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side.


  • Room Temperature Ingredients: Ensure all your ingredients are at room temperature for the best mixing results.
  • Clean Cuts: Use a sharp knife to hollow out the centers of the cupcakes neatly.
  • Ganache Consistency: If your ganache is too runny, let it cool slightly in the fridge to thicken before spreading it on the cupcakes.


Q: Can I use a different type of chocolate for the cupcakes?

A: Yes, you can use any good quality cocoa powder for the cupcakes.

Q: Can I make the marshmallow filling without a mixer?

A: While it’s possible, a mixer will give you the best results for achieving stiff peaks in the marshmallow filling.

Q: How do I know when the ganache is ready?

A: The ganache should be smooth and thick enough to spread without running off the cupcakes. If it’s too runny, chill it briefly until it reaches the desired consistency.

Approximate Nutrition Information

  • Calories: 350 kcal per serving
  • Total Fat: 22g
  • Saturated Fat: 12g
  • Cholesterol: 50mg
  • Sodium: 180mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 38g
  • Dietary Fiber: 2g
  • Sugars: 28g
  • Protein: 5g
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